This year is the 100th anniversary of the modernism architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner death and from BCN10years we want to use the opportunity to get to know and sketch part of the architectural legacy that he left in Barcelona.

The architect and sketcher  Luís Ruiz Padrón will hold his workshops in two of his master pieces: saturday June 10th, in the morning inside the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau and in the afternoon in Fundació Tàpies/Editorial Montaner i Simon

Lis Watkins will also hold her morning workhop on  simplification using big shapes and lines in the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau.

And Daniel Pagans, will hold his workshop on saturday afternoon, sketching the façade of the Casa Lleó i Morera.

Also on saturday June 10th at 10:30h will hold an open Sketchwalk (with REGISTRATION) at the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau.

And on sunday June 11th, the Sketchwalk will be held in the Born and Parc de la Ciutadella area, where there’s the Castell dels Tres Dragons.

All the activites are open to anybody who’s interested but  registration is needed.


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